
Frank Felker’s entrepreneurial journey traces back almost a half-century to February 22, 1974, when his mother opened a copy shop in their hometown of Springfield, Virginia.

Since then he has worked with, spoken before, consulted to, coached and taught tens of thousands of business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs across the United States and in 170 countries around the world.

Frank believes that entrepreneurship is the answer, the cure, for the vast majority of self-created ailments afflicting humanity.

Entrepreneurship provides us with a noble struggle, a path to financial independence, the respect of our peers and loved ones, powerful goals and hope for the future, the opportunity to serve, lifelong learning and personal development.

But it is also a stern taskmaster. One wrong move can land you in a world of hurt. In order to fulfill your dreams and avoid catastrophe, you must commit yourself to mastering the six sides of business success.

Frank’s mission is to bring the knowledge and tools required to achieve business success within the reach of every person who aspires to it and has the guts and perseverance to make it happen for themselves and their loved ones.

Unlocking The M Cube

In addition to hard work and persistence, business success depends upon the development and mastery of scores of individual skills. Frank has organized all of them into six areas of focus, each of which begins with the letter M. Combined they create The M Cube, The Six Sides of Business Success.

  • M1: Mission (Your WHY)
  • M2: Marketing
  • M3: Money
  • M4: Machine (Operations)
  • M5: Management
  • M6: Minutiae (Paperwork)

Everything Frank teaches, writes, presents and shares reflects and supports The M Cube. Even the categories and interviews shared on Radio Free Enterprise, his LinkedIn business talk show and podcast, follow the Six Sides of Business Success.

Learn more about Frank

Entrepreneur  |  Author  |  Teacher  |  Speaker  |  Broadcaster

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